The groundbreaking show Spartacus on STARZ® takes the thrill of gladiator combat and the fight for freedom to new heights with intimate storylines and vivid production and choreography. Explore the evolution of one of the most famous rebellions in history with our interactive timeline, and go beyond the battle to hear from the stars themselves with interview insights into their characters and behind-the-scenes experiences.

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Liam McIntyre: Spartacus

What did you really want to bring to the character this year for your performance?

Well, he’s in a really different place than any of the previous seasons. Whereas last year he was trying to learn to be a leader in order to take on this mantle, now he’s very much that leader. He’s a general through and through. He’s had a year of success defeating the Romans, and I just wanted to capture that element — that he’s very sure-footed and very direct and he's not less compassionate, but far more efficient with the way he does things. He’s now the boss and he fully embraces that, so he will do whatever he has to do to win this war. He’s very sensitive but direct and strong now, in a way that we haven’t had a chance to see before.


Manu Bennett: Crixus

Where do we find Crixus and the rebels at the start of the season?

Basically, this season is more about gaining control and what you do with that control. It’s a power battle between the rebellion and the Romans and, you know, it’s really the push meets shove part of the whole story. It’s where we come to heads with the Romans, and you know somebody’s going to end up on a crucifix.


Simon Merrells: Crassus

Could you tell me a little about your character, Crassus? He seems to be the flip side of Spartacus.

Actually, some of the historical writers and more contemporary historians compare the two of them for their maverick nature, their solitary nature, and their skills as generals. As far as the series goes, one of the things I found really exciting right from the word go, was that for a Roman, Crassus admires Spartacus and does not make the mistake of underestimating his enemy. He’s been waiting for this opportunity. It’s something to give him ultimate status in military glory, which can then lead to political power. That’s his objective, to defeat Spartacus and to get the laurels and the power and the respect that that will bring.




How have you enjoyed playing the character of Naevia as she’s evolved?

It’s been a real joy. Mostly because the great thing about playing Naevia is that there’s a real arc there. To start from this place of being really sort of broken and traumatized, which in itself is difficult to portray, and then to have somewhere to go with it feels really satisfying as a performer, but also I think for the audience. Because, ultimately, I think the audience does want to root for her. They want to see her overcome these demons that she’s had to battle that really could have, I think, killed a lesser person.


Todd Lasance: Caesar

What kind of climax is this season building up to be?

It’s pretty much the biggest climax you can imagine, if you ask me. You think of what would be the most epic finish and that pretty much sums it up. I haven’t read episode 10 yet, but I know where it leads to, and it’s pretty massive. The clash between the Romans and rebels is pretty epic. I don’t think the audience is going to be disappointed.


Dustin Clare: Gannicus

Has your character, Gannicus, embraced his role in the rebellion?

He did. I guess we discover Gannicus and Spartacus, in a different way. There’s more respect there for each other. But also, we see Spartacus trying to involve Gannicus more in this leadership type of role, and he’s not really willing to take it on. It’s not really his box and dice, you know. He believes in each person’s own destiny and fights, and that they shouldn’t be dictated by others.


Steven DeKnight:
Show creator, writer, executive producer

Do you have any regrets ending the series now?

There are always regrets when you end a show. Whether it’s gone in one season or 10 seasons, there is always the feeling of, “Should I have done more? Were there more stories to explore?” So yes, there’s absolutely some regret, and it’s very bittersweet. Was it the right thing to do story-wise? Probably. I would much rather go out on a high note, a hair too soon than a hair too late. I love this show. It was a joy to work on. I love the people. I love the story. And I’m sure I will always look back on it as a high point in my career.

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Interactive Timeline: The Evolution of Rebellion

Follow the major events of previous seasons of Spartacus leading up to the explosive final season.
  • At the outset of Spartacus: Gods of the Arena, Quintus Lentulus Batiatus becomes lanista manager of the House’s slaves and gladiators when he takes over his father’s ludus.

  • Batiatus purchases Crixus the Gaul as a diamond in the rough and Crixus begins his rise as the star of the gladiators.

  • As the new arena opens, the rivalry between Batiatus and Solonius comes to a head as Gannicus becomes champion of Capua and wins his freedom.

  • In Spartacus: Blood and Sand, Spartacus is condemned to die in the gladiator arena, but emerges victorious. His sentence is commuted to slavery and he is purchased by Batiatus as a gladiator.

  • Forced to kill his only friend, Varro, in the arena, Spartacus also learns that Batiatus ordered the murder of his wife, and the seeds of rebellion are planted.

  • A final match for the elite proves to be their downfall as Spartacus enlists the help of Crixus and organizes the gladiators to revolt and overthrow the House of Batiatus.

  • Spartacus: Vengeance begins with the revolt and overthrow of the House of Batiatus, as the ranks of the rebellion grow with more freed slaves.

  • Fearing the threat to the absolute authority of the Empire, Rome sends Gaius Claudius Glaber and his troops to Capua to crush Spartacus’ growing band of freed slaves.

  • Spartacus is forced to choose between avenging his wife’s death and sacrificing his personal feelings to keep his fledgling army together.

  • The army of freed slaves swells to thousands as Spartacus leads his people against Rome and into the War of the Damned beginning Jan. 25, 2013, on STARZ.


Gaius Claudius Glaber is dead. Many months have passed since his defeat, and the rebel army, led by Spartacus and his generals Crixus, Gannicus, and Agron, continue to amass victories over Rome. With the rebel numbers swelling to thousands of freed slaves, their movement has become a force that has started to challenge even the mighty armies of Rome.

Spartacus is more determined than ever to bring down the entire Roman Republic. Following the death of Ashur, Naevia and Crixus fight as one with newfound strength and determination. And Gannicus, always seeking to embrace life to the fullest, shares his bed with the beautiful and dangerous Saxa.

Together, the rebels engage in one bloody skirmish after another and prepare for the inevitable: a full-out war with Rome.

The Roman Senate turns to its wealthiest citizen, Marcus Crassus, for aid. A powerful, strategic politician, he respects his opponent and refuses to make the same mistakes Glaber and his predecessors did. With a young and fiercely competitive Julius Caesar as an ally, Crassus is determined to crush Spartacus and his rebellion.

The epic conclusion of a legendary journey, Spartacus: War of the Damned will unleash a battle unlike anything ever seen before.

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STARZ and related channels and service marks are the property of Starz Entertainment, LLC. Spartacus: Blood and Sand © 2009 Starz Entertainment, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Spartacus: Gods of the Arena © 2010 Starz Entertainment, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Spartacus: Vengeance © 2011 Starz Entertainment, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Spartacus: War of the Damned © 2013  Starz Entertainment, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Visit for airdates/times.